*Vacation Special Part 2 : All of EXO*
I assure you… this Wednesday at 6! Whatever you have imagined of EXO, you will see beyond that. EXO century’s dance battle : Lay vs Kai
Lay! Kai! Move out of the way!!!
Chensing machine is going out~~ LOL
Chensing machine!! Let’s distinguish who is the real dancing king today!! EXO’s top 3 have put their pride on the line for dance god dance king!! Dance battle-dol bursting with fireworks
I will protect girl group dance as well!! (yes-man Junmen who will do whatever he is told)
source: Weekly Idol’s twitter
translation cr; nahbit @ exok-trans
please take out with full credits
also they posted another pic for which there is no translation yet for the caption

이번주 수요일 6시 <주간아이돌 EXO완전체> 잊어버리면 미워할꺼야~~ 뿌잉! 뿌잉!!
(I'm pretty sure it's just saying something like 'if you forget to watch this episode we'll hate you~~ bbuing! buuing!' lolol feel free to correct me though)
UPDATE: Aaaaand here's a video of Luhan dancing to Apink's No No No!
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