Kris updated his weibo today clarifying this other weibo pretending to be him is fake (apparently the fake one has done some pretty crappy things like ask for money and having couple weibo names/dp with Tao's..... most recently it updated with a message saying how back in 09 'he' wanted to give up etc)
"@WYF-an is not me. Other than this I don't have any other Weibo. How could I have that much time to spend on weibo (sweat) haha please let everyone know good nighhhhhht (snore)"
Also Tao seems to be very active with his weibo display pics and I haven't seen all of them here.... (I particularly enjoy the old luhan-poke and suho money one lol)
New official goods from everysing
So LOL k k k 

Please take out with full credit.
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