Lu baby and lollipop

sorry for this biased pics lol will add more later i just picked whichever came out in my dash and there isnt that many of other members so.. Feel free to post more.
and i've just read this disturbing incident involving fans.
Fans chased EXO-M’s vans in a black car and cut in front of them, resulting in four of the artiste’s cars colliding. Thankfully, none of the members were injured.
cr: Marlboro_δΈ‡ ; luhanqt/oh-luhans @ tumblr
courtesy to the driver:
"no members were injured, but consider that lucky."
"This is the van Luhan and the other members were in, you can image how they felt, all frightened."
cr: xingmetosleep
i heard that the fans' car/van actually hit on the emergency break thus the collide happened. they said it's sasaengs but idk for sure. how upsetting that these fans didn't even consider their own safety first..
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